About shrekdotorg and its creator

The origins of shrekdotorg

I think it's a universal thirteen-year-old experience to mess around and make stupid things in computing class at school when the teacher isn't (or is) looking. That's how the original shrek webpage originated - we were learning HTML, and were told to make a website about anything we could think of, anything we could possibly want to make a website out of. Now, as it happens, I was sat right near two of my best friends, and all of us were ready to have a right laugh. One of them made a website about my shirt, as it was non-uniform day and I'd managed to get hold of an Obvious Plant Jazz Crabs tee; the other just made a chaotic dump of whatever went through his head at that given moment in time. I decided to make the original shrekdotorg, which I found so hilarious I emailed it to myself so as to access it at home.

A few months and a little more HTML learning after this initial "webpage" - which was, in reality, just a normal HTML file, not hosted anywhere, not really any sort of webpage at all, but I digress - I took it upon myself to begin making yet another Shrek page, which I brought round to my friend's house to work on together. Due to a long string of inside jokes which I don't care to go into right now, this page ended up being riddled with references to Fireman Sam. We found this page to be even more amusing than the original, and for this reason we put more effort into it - when we originally declared it finished, it had significantly more content than the original, a "Shrek Gallery", and a couple of lists of things we thought Shrek might enjoy. This is the framework for the page being used as the homepage of the current shrekdotorg, though it has undergone some modifications since then.

The creator of shrekdotorg

My name is Aled M, I am English, I am queer, I am autistic, and I really do just like to vibe. I have two cats, called Simba and Artie, and a few friends for whom I am incredibly thankful, as they tend to not really comment on my Shrek nonsense, which is really for the best. I also have a cutout of Shrek's head on my bedroom door, which my cats seem intent on killing. They don't understand his rugged handsomeness. Their loss!

I am also the main website builder for a project I am about to start with a few of my friends, A Guide To Pride. It's going to be a website and blog about queer identities and culture, and once it's up we'd all really appreciate it if you could take a look!