You have reached the homepage of shrekdotorg's Project Shreksperimental!

This is a project I am working on currently, not necessarily as an exploration of Shrek media, but more of an exploration of what deranged things me and my friends can come up with together, loosely based on Shrek.

The project is mostly about making a functioning website, with multiple pages. The reason I am doing this is mostly because I have other, less trivial and small projects I wish to work on, and this is effectively just me laying the groundwork to make these projects!

I hope you enjoy reading through the deranged Shrek "websites" I made as a thirteen-year-old with my mates. I feel like most people won't get anything from them, unless maybe you were looking for flawed and rambly summaries of the first Shrek movie, but nonetheless I hope they at least let you have a bit of a laugh.